2 Distractions I Eliminated to Be More Productive

Donnabeth Aniban
3 min readAug 30, 2022
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Humans are wired to move towards pleasure and move away from pain. Yet healthy and productive activities are usually less pleasurable and sometimes painful while destructive activities are the opposite. If we don’t proactively design our environment to lessen distraction, it’s easy to fall into a mindless or even toxic lifestyle.

Trying to resist distractions all day is a huge waste of energy and willpower. Instead of trying to fight every battle, do not start the war in the first place. Do not invite temptations into your space. If you “accidentally” brought them in, have the courage to get rid of them if you realize they’re not good for you.

Here are three sources of distractions I eliminated to maximize my productivity.

1. Netflix

The first time I subscribed to Netflix, I binge-watched the sitcom series The Big Bang Theory. I often slept way past midnight and it made me neglect our conversation time with my husband. I can’t remember how many weeks or months this pattern continued before I realized it was unhealthy for me and my relationships. Though I feel so entertained while watching, I feel miserable the next day. I unsubscribed and deleted the app.

Just last month, I re-installed Netflix and re-subscribed because of a movie trailer Netflix…



Donnabeth Aniban

Mom since 2011. Filipino. Former nurse and teacher. Writer, entrepreneur, and law student atm.