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Antidotes for Envy
No one is immune to feeling envious. Even Asaph, a gifted musician, expressed his battle with envy in the book of Psalms. In verses two and three of chapter 73, he wrote, “…my feet had almost stumbled; My steps had nearly slipped. For I was envious of the boastful when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.”
In the same chapter, he came up with a resolution to his agony. In verse 17 he said, “Until I went into the sanctuary of God. Then I understood their end”. He found clarity and peace when he entered God’s sanctuary. Only in God’s presence can we have the understanding and peace of mind that nothing in this world can offer.
Because we are humans, it is normal for us to feel things, including envy, but if we are not careful, these feelings can cause us to slip and stumble. As Christians, it is our responsibility to avoid and resist temptations. In the same chapter, Asaph presents some ways how we can avoid feeling envious.
1. Be in God’s presence.
God’s presence provides us with a sanctuary and refuge in our confusion and frustrations. His perfect love is enough to silence the troubles we face while we’re here on Earth. In His presence, we are secure…