Help Mitigate Climate Crisis by Sharing More

Donnabeth Aniban
3 min readMar 20, 2023
Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash

Many solutions to our problems are simple but we refuse to do them because they’re not easy or convenient. So we wait for rocket science solutions until the problem is on our faces we have no choice but to move.

Sharing, a wonderful act humanity practiced for many generations until our modern lives got in the way. We became too busy and too disconnected to share. We have friends from miles away on social media yet we hardly know our neighbor’s names.

In her TED talk, entrepreneur Tessa Clarke explains how sharing more and wasting less is an underrated solution to the climate crisis, especially since one-third of all the food we produce globally each year is thrown away. You can watch her TED Talk below:

Re-cultivate a Culture of Sharing

It’s best to buy and get only the amount of food we can consume. But if there is still surplus or foods that are about to spoil which we can’t eat, let’s choose to share instead of waste. Perhaps our neighbors need what we have in excess. We can also donate to jails and…



Donnabeth Aniban
Donnabeth Aniban

Written by Donnabeth Aniban

Mom since 2011. Filipino. Former nurse and teacher. Writer, entrepreneur, and law student atm.

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