How to Stop Overspending
Overspending is a big roadblock in our path toward financial security and financial freedom. It’s a common mistake many of us do since temptations are everywhere. But still, it’s possible and important for us to control our spending for our own and our family’s sake.
1. Be OKAY with who we are
Businesses capitalize on our insecurities. They make us feel that we need to be more beautiful, flawless, whiter, thinner, and so on. They tell us we deserve a bigger car, the latest phone, luxurious bags, and the latest release of everything.
When we feel contented with who we are, we don’t need to overspend just to feel better. We don’t have to jump into every beauty fad and we don’t have to keep up with the Joneses.
2. Face our feelings
Many of our impulse buys are emotionally rooted. We try to eat away, drink away, or shop away our feelings. But they don’t really disappear. They’re just masked with temporary dopamine relief but they will be back with the slightest trigger.
Let us choose healthier alternatives in dealing with our emotions that don’t empty our wallets. Naming our emotions, praying, crying, sharing them, and writing about them are some alternatives we can try.